(Portland) On Thursday, November 21st, 56 volunteers from Maine’s bioscience companies went into middle school classrooms across the state to get students excited about science and show them career options they can have right here in Maine.
Through engaging hands-on activities, more than three thousand students at 23 different schools got an idea what a job as a scientist could look like. 7th graders at Gray Middle School made diagnostic snap kits with Idexx. In Gorham, Artel had students take on a pipette challenge to test their skills in precise measurement.
“The goal of ME Bioscience Day is to promote STEM education, inspire young people to pursue careers in science, and to contribute to future workforce development. Life science companies in Maine are experiencing steady job growth and a new study shows the trend is likely to continue,” says BioME Executive Director Agnieszka Carpenter. “With this event we are thinking 10 years ahead and promoting Maine-based science as a career. The students are exposed to their local employers which shapes their idea of what kind of jobs and workplaces are available here at home.”