BioME Science Summer Camp Scholarships –learn about science with like-minded peers
BioME funds 4 scholarships in the form of 1-week-long summer science camps each year at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics in Limestone, ME. Eligible students must be age 10-14 and attend one of the schools that participated in ME Bioscience Day in November of the previous year. Students must display involvement in and passion for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
The camps run between July 6 and August 2, 2025. Any week can be chosen, depending on age, availability and interest. The scholarships cover room, board and transportation. Students should apply directly with us no later than March 14, 2025 to be considered. Scholarship recipients will be announced on the week of March 17, 2025.

How to Apply
- Fill out the application (either handwritten or typed).
- Submit completed application [email protected].
- Questions? Contact Billie at [email protected]
- Deadline to apply: March 14, 2025
Transportation Details
A camp chaperoned bus travels along Route 95 stopping at designated spots between Limestone and South Portland for each camp session. Families will receive a transportation form in the spring that allows the family to indicate how a camper will be arriving and departing from camp. Families have the option of selecting the camp bus on this form. The specific stop information can be seen on online portal once a camper has applied for camp. This is subject to change. Please contact Maine School of Science & Mathematics for details.
About MSSM Summer Camps
The MSSM Summer Camp program provides an opportunity for campers to exchange ideas and experiences with like-minded peers and an enthusiastic and dedicated staff who share their passion for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Campers discover new and exciting opportunities as they delve deeper into these subjects, which ignite a desire to pursue careers in these fields.

Eligible Schools
Bonny Eagle Middle School, Buxton | Bristol Consolidated School, Bristol | Bruce M. Whittier Middle School, Poland |
Caribou Community School, Caribou | Cascade Brook School, Farmington | Cherryfield Elementary School, Cherryfield |
China Middle School, China | Day Mountain Regional Middle School, Strong | Durham Community School, Durham |
Fort Kent Elementary School, Fort Kent | Gorham Middle School, Gorham | Gray-New Gloucester Middle School, Gray |
Great Salt Bay Community School, Damariscotta | Greely Middle School, Cumberland | Greenville Consolidated School, Greenville |
Helen S. Dunn School, Greenbush | Hope Elementary School, Hope | James F. Doughty School, Bangor |
Jonesport Elementary School, Jonesport | Jordan-Small Middle School, Raymond | King Middle School, Portland |
Lamoine Consolidated School, Lamoine | Lawrence Junior High, Fairfield | Medomak Middle School, Waldoboro |
Messalonskee Middle School, Oakland | Middle School of the Kennebunks, Kennebunk | Mount Desert Elementary School, Northeast Harbor |
Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham | Nokomis Regional Middle School, Newport | North Yarmouth Academy, Yarmouth |
Philip W. Sugg Middle School, Lisbon | Piscataquis Community Secondary School, Guilford | Presque Isle Middle School, Presque Isle |
Rose M. Gaffney Elementary School, Machias | Saco Middle School, Saco | Sanford Middle School, Sanford |
Scarborough Middle School, Scarborough | Searsport District Middle School, Searsport | Skowhegan Area Middle School, Skowhegan |
South Bristol School, South Bristol | South Portland Middle School, South Portland | Southern Aroostook Community Schools, Dyer Brook |
Spruce Mountain Middle School, Jay | Stearns Junior High School, Millinocket | Stratton School, Stratton |
Telstar Middle School, Bethel | Tremont Consolidated School, Bass Harbor | Veazie Community School, Veazie |
Warsaw Middle School, Pittsfield | Waynflete School, Portland | Wells Junior High, Wells |
William S. Cohen School, Bangor | Windham Middle School, Windham | Winslow Elementary School, Winslow |
Winslow Junior High School, Winslow | Winthrop Middle School, Winthrop | Woodland High School, Baileyville |
Yarmouth School System, Yarmouth | York Middle School, York |