ME Bioscience Day

Inspiring a new generation of scientists through hands-on education & industry connections

ME Bioscience Day is a statewide event that aims to get middle school students excited about science. The event focuses on educating Maine’s youth about the different career paths and opportunities that are available in the life sciences industry in Maine. Professionals in these fields volunteer to visit local middle school classrooms to talk with students about their career in science, their daily tasks, and the opportunities that are available in such careers. Bioscience Association of Maine started this initiative in 2016 to promote science as a subject in schools and create student awareness for a potential career path in a science field.


2023 |  46 participating schools & 5,400 students
2022 |  46 participating schools & 6,700 students
2021 |  52 participating schools & 7,250 students
2020 | 46 participating schools & 5,100 students
2019 |  23 participating schools & 3,300 students
2018 |  14 participating schools & 2,000 students

For Teachers

ME Bioscience Day is a hybrid event with in-person and virtual formats. Teachers are able to request which format they prefer, but are subject to volunteer availability in your area.

In-Person Format: Maine scientists and life science professionals volunteer to visit local middle school classrooms to talk with students about their career in science, their daily tasks, and the opportunities that are available in science based careers along with instructing a hands-on activity.

Virtual Format: In lieu of live presentations, we produce virtual video presentations that feature scientists discussing their careers in the bioscience industry. Additionally, we provide a lesson plan and materials for each school to perform a hands-on activity.

If your school or your classroom is interested in signing up for ME Bioscience Day 2024, please contact us at [email protected].

For Companies & Industry Professionals

Inspire future scientist and help to promote workforce development within Maine’s life sciences industry! Companies and industry professionals can get involved through volunteer or sponsorship opportunities.


We are looking for scientist and life science professionals to volunteer at local middle schools. Volunteers will talk a bit about what life science is, the variety of jobs within the industry, their company, and what their day-to-day job looks like. Typically, volunteers will also bring some type of hands-on activity for students to perform in the classroom. We are sensitive to travel and timing restrictions.

If you are interested in volunteering, or want to learn more, please contact us at [email protected].


If you are unable to volunteer, but would still like to be involved, we encourage you to become a ME Bioscience Day supporter! Sponsorships allow us to reach more schools and provide materials for hands-on activities. Your logo will be displayed to thousands of middle school students and their teachers across the state. Sponsorship: $400.

If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact Brianna at [email protected], or use the PayPal button below.

ME Bioscience Day 2024 Supporters

ME Bioscience Day 2024 Participating Schools

Bonny Eagle Middle School, Buxton Bristol Consolidated School, Bristol Bruce M. Whittier Middle School, Poland
Caribou Community School, Caribou Cascade Brook School, Farmington Cherryfield Elementary School, Cherryfield
China Middle School, China Day Mountain Regional Middle School, Strong Durham Community School, Durham
Fort Kent Elementary School, Fort Kent Gorham Middle School, Gorham Gray-New Gloucester Middle School, Gray
Great Salt Bay Community School, Damariscotta Greely Middle School, Cumberland Greenville Consolidated School, Greenville
Helen S. Dunn School, Greenbush Hope Elementary School, Hope James F. Doughty School, Bangor
Jonesport Elementary School, Jonesport Jordan-Small Middle School, Raymond King Middle School, Portland
Lamoine Consolidated School, Lamoine Lawrence Junior High, Fairfield Medomak Middle School, Waldoboro
Messalonskee Middle School, Oakland Middle School of the Kennebunks, Kennebunk Mount Desert Elementary School, Northeast Harbor
Mt. Ararat Middle School, Topsham Nokomis Regional Middle School, Newport North Yarmouth Academy, Yarmouth
Philip W. Sugg Middle School, Lisbon Piscataquis Community Secondary School, Guilford Presque Isle Middle School, Presque Isle
Rose M. Gaffney Elementary School, Machias Saco Middle School, Saco Sanford Middle School, Sanford
Scarborough Middle School, Scarborough Searsport District Middle School, Searsport Skowhegan Area Middle School, Skowhegan
South Bristol School, South Bristol South Portland Middle School, South Portland Southern Aroostook Community Schools, Dyer Brook
Spruce Mountain Middle School, Jay Stearns Junior High School, Millinocket Stratton School, Stratton
Telstar Middle School, Bethel Tremont Consolidated School, Bass Harbor Veazie Community School, Veazie
Warsaw Middle School, Pittsfield Waynflete School, Portland Wells Junior High, Wells
William S. Cohen School, Bangor Windham Middle School, Windham Winslow Elementary School, Winslow
Winslow Junior High School, Winslow Winthrop Middle School, Winthrop Woodland High School, Baileyville
Yarmouth School System, Yarmouth York Middle School, York

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